Wednesday, June 11, 2014

There's always something

When you have a little one, there is always something to worry about.
Strike that.
Even before you have your little one, you will always find something to fret over.
Before I was pregnant, I was scared that I would not be able to become pregnant.
During the 9 months - which seemed really unfairly long to me- I worried about a zillion things.
Miscarriage, stillbirth, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, premature birth, birth defects are just a few of them.

I also worried about the more materialistic part of bringing a baby into the world.
Crucial questions such as what wipes to get, do I need a diaper genie or not, do I have enough onesies were keeping me up at night. 
There were other matters that had to be settled: names had to be chosen and deliberated, cravings had to be identified and properly satisfied (Wendy's fries is not the same thing as McDonald's fries), crib mattresses had to be studied and decided upon, humidifiers had to be cleaned with vinegar, childbirth classes had to be taken, babymoon had to be planned (to spare you the suspense, we went to the next city and slept through the weekend); also babykicks had to be counted and recorded, craigslist had to be hunted for good deals and pictures had to be taken throughout the 40 (interminable) weeks.
Once Loud Baby was born and she was thankfully healthy and well, everything written above flew out the window and a new set of worries ensconced itself in our lives.
The question to be repeatedly heard was :WHY is she crying??
We worried about diaper contents, breastfeeding, oversupply, mastitis, not making it through another day due to exhaustion, rashes, colds, vaccines, weight (biiig baby), reaching milestones on time (I quickly cured myself of that one, to be honest), sleep habits and more sleep habits, carseat phobia, more cryptic crying, when/how/with what to start goes on and on.
Once they start walking and understanding things, you will worry about falls and bruises and meeting basic needs is not enough anymore (you can't really screw up in that chapter anyway-you feed tha baby, change the baby and do whatever works to comfort the
baby whether it's rocking, singing, driving, bouncing etc). 
But begins. Muhaha.
Toddlers are like sponges. They see, hear and imitate pretty much everything
You have just become a model.
And also a superhero.
You have your own little fan club composed of exactly one tiny human.
Throw an object when you are angry? They'll watch. And copy. 
You will now worry about their behavior and habits and attitudes until pretty much forever.

So there is always something to worry about. And there will always will be. 
Mommies are so good at it too. 

And those 40 weeks? Seem like 4 days now. 

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